Roland Edwards serves as the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Roland Edwards provides authoritative advice and guidance to all Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Components on the full range of human resources (HR) functional areas as the DHS Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO). Mr. Edwards was previously the DHS Deputy CHCO. Prior to serving as DHS Deputy CHCO, Mr. Edwards held various HR positions within OCHCO to include Deputy Director, Human Resources Management and Services (HRMS), Director of Executive Resources for Headquarters in HRMS and Deputy Director, Executive Resources for the Department within OCHCO.
Prior to DHS, Mr. Edwards worked at the Office of Personnel Management as a manager in the government-wide SES office and served as an Associate Director in Human Resources for the Millennium Challenge Corporation. He received his Bachelor of Science and master’s degrees from the University of Maryland.