Other HR Councils
The Small Agency Council is the voluntary management association of sub-Cabinet, independent Federal agencies. Established in 1986, the Council represents about 80 small agencies.
While a typical Cabinet-level Department may have tens of thousands of employees, a "small agency" generally has less than 6,000 employees. Most Council members represent an agency that has fewer than 500 staff. Altogether, however, these agencies in the Council employ about 50,000 Federal workers and manage many billions of dollars.
The Small Agency HR Council (SAHRC) supports these employees by working with OPM and the CHCO Council on the various Government-wide priorities. The SAHRC provides a forum for Chief Human Capital Officers and HR Leaders from small Federal Agencies to engage on issues and matters relating to and affecting strategic human capital management and policy. Membership in the SAHRC is open to the HR leaders (or their designees) of all federal agencies having less than 6,000 full-time equivalent federal employees. Eric Mozie (Chair) and Starlisha Anderson (Vice Chair) are the liaisons between the SAHRC and the CHCO Council. If you would like to be a part of the SAHRC please contact Arrie Etheridge.
The Federal Chief Learning Officers Council (CLOC) is the Government-wide central body that identifies and enables talent development solutions to elevate human capital initiatives, taking a people-first approach to learning and professional development. The CLOC prides itself on the ability to share information, communicate transparently, and support the CLO – both the current to upcoming. The CLOC provides a regular forum for the CLOs to discuss and collaborate on high-level strategic and operational issues affecting the learning and workforce development of Federal employees. In addition, the CLOC Chairperson and Co-Chairperson serves as an ex-officio member of the CHCO Council to help influence training and education-related policy and decisions.
The CLO is a diverse role that varies across agencies; yet that brings a unique perspective to the CLOC meetings that result in diverse schools of thought focused on the same goal - the development of employees.
The core areas that the CLOC is responsible for include learning management systems, leadership and professional development, coaching programs, supporting agency-wide communications to other learning leaders, mentoring programs, and competency assessments.
If you are interested in connecting with CLOC please contact the Chair Susan Abraham and Co-Chair Cynthia Caple..